Jasmin Ammons is a Capital Markets Analyst at JLL – Capital Markets. She has been a member of TREC since 2021, including serving in leadership positions for Young Guns Casino Night, FightNight, and Young Guns. She is the 2024 Young Guns Vice Chair.

When did you get involved with Young Guns Core Committee? Why was it important to you to get involved in TREC leadership?

I have volunteered in various roles with TREC since 2021, and I have held leadership roles like Casino Night Chair in 2022, FightNight Volunteer Chair in 2023, and Young Guns Vice Chair in 2024. Getting involved with TREC was deeply important to me because I’ve always recognized the
transformative power of this industry. Commercial real estate isn’t just about buildings; it’s about shaping the economic landscape, driving urban development, and creating spaces that influence how communities grow and interact.

As I have advanced in my career, I’ve become acutely aware of the challenges young professionals face in breaking into commercial real estate—a field that often requires significant connections, capital, and industry knowledge to succeed. I wanted to be part of an organization that breaks down these barriers, making the industry more accessible to the next generation of leaders.

TREC resonated with me because it provides young professionals with the mentorship, resources, and networks they need to thrive in commercial real estate. By supporting their growth, I’m helping to cultivate a more diverse and inclusive industry, one that benefits from the fresh perspectives and innovative ideas that young leaders bring to the table.


When people ask you how to get involved in TREC, what do you suggest?

When someone expresses interest in getting involved with TREC, I always suggest they start by identifying their interests, strengths, and even weaknesses. It’s important to think about what aspects of commercial real estate or our TREC’s mission resonate most with them. This helps them find the most fulfilling way to contribute.

I also recommend setting clear goals—whether it’s networking, gaining industry knowledge, or developing leadership skills. Starting with a small, manageable commitment, like attending an event or volunteering for a short-term project, is a great way to ease into involvement without feeling overwhelmed.

Lastly, I’d emphasize the importance of staying open to learning and building relationships within the organization. Whether they’re volunteering for a specific project or considering a long-term commitment, approaching the experience with flexibility and a mindset for growth will not only enhance their contribution but also make their involvement more rewarding.

Where is your favorite place to spend a Saturday in Dallas?

This is a tough one! It’s hard to pinpoint my favorite place when Dallas has so much to offer. I would start my morning with some type of activity like playing tennis, pilates, or going to the driving range to work on my golf game. Then, I would have brunch with friends, followed by shopping at NorthPark, and I would end my day checking out new art installations, sporting events, or dinner with friends in the city.

Why would you encourage Young Guns to get involved with TREC? 

I’d encourage young professionals to get involved because TREC offers tremendous opportunities for career development, networking, and leadership experience. They can gain hands-on experience in commercial real estate, connect with industry leaders, and take on roles that build their skills and confidence. Additionally, being part of TREC allows them to make a meaningful impact on the industry and communities, all while bringing fresh perspectives that drive innovation within the organization. It’s a win-win, benefiting both their personal and professional growth as well as TREC’s mission.

How has being in Core Committee impacted you or your career?

Being part of the Core Committee has been incredibly transformative for both my personal and professional development. It has provided me with invaluable leadership experience, allowing me to hone my decision-making skills and manage projects that have real impact on our industry and community. This experience has not only elevated my confidence in leading teams but also enhanced my ability to navigate complex challenges.

Professionally, it’s opened doors to a broader network of industry leaders and peers who have been instrumental in my career growth. The relationships I’ve built through the committee have led to collaborative opportunities and insights that I wouldn’t have had access to otherwise.

Moreover, being involved at this level has deepened my understanding of the commercial real estate landscape, giving me a more strategic perspective that I’ve been able to apply in my day-to-day work. It’s inspiring to be part of a group that’s driving positive change, and this experience has reaffirmed my commitment to both my career and to making a meaningful impact in the industry.