Although the last year has challenged our organization, industry, and city in unprecedented ways, we nonetheless have plenty to be thankful for as we take our places at the table this Thanksgiving. The Real Estate Council could not be more grateful to our members and member companies for their generosity and dedication to our community as well as our friends and partners throughout Dallas who work tirelessly each and every day to build the city we’ve all imagined.

Before we fill up on turkey or tune in to the Cowboys game, we’ve asked our leaders to share with us what they are thankful for this year. Here is what they told us:

Linda McMahon, The Real Estate Council President and CEO
I am so thankful for our team – the TREC staff, our members and companies, and our partners throughout Dallas – who have worked so hard this year to further our investment work throughout the community. I am also thankful for my wonderful family and friends, whose love and support fuels me each and every day.

Sarah Hinkley Kennington, Thirty-Four Commercial – ALC CLASS OF 2021 CHAIR
I am thankful for the newest addition to our family, Caroline Alexandra Kennington, who arrived on October 8th. 2020 has been a trying year for all and I pray that each person that reads this post keeps their faith for a healthy and prosperous 2021. I am grateful to live in Dallas, Texas and to be a part of the TREC community. I will chair ALC this upcoming year and cannot wait to see our future leaders come together for a successful 2021 class!

Steve Rado, EY – TREASURER
I am grateful for our doctors, first responders and scientists that banded together so well in responding to the global pandemic. The speed that the science is moving will be noted as one of the great break throughs of our time when the final story is written. TREC has been there every step of the way in interpreting the fast-moving results and sharing it with our community, while maintaining engagement with our passionate network of professionals.

Jim Knight, KFM Engineering & Design – PAST CHAIR
2020 has been an especially interesting ride for most of the world. I believe it has allowed us to re-focus our lives on the most important aspects, i.e. Life, Love, Family and Friends. We are all so fortunate to live in North Texas and to be involved in a dynamic and active area in today’s world. While this year’s pain will soon pass, it reminds us of the truly special gifts we have. Take this time of year to give thanks to your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Together we will push forward to 2021, but doing so together will create the bonds of success for everyone in our community.

I am thankful for a multitude of blessings. I am grateful and thankful to spend each day with my wonderful wife, my best friend. I am thankful for my loving family and friends, who are always there to provide a helping hand or word of encouragement. I am thankful for good health. I am also thankful to live in a country where I am free  to worship my God, where I am free to make my voice heard, where I have a say and a vote – a country where I can make a positive impact on our community. Finally, I am thankful for The Real Estate Council – their staff, leadership, and members that give so freely of their time and talents to make a difference, in a positive way, on our City.

Matt Ballard, CBRE – ALC CLASS OF 2020 CHAIR
This year especially, I am thankful for the steadfast love of family and friends, faith, and the opportunities I’ve been blessed with. I am thankful for things to look forward to, chances to learn and challenges to overcome. I am grateful for the impactful work TREC continues to do and the time I am able to spend with an incredible staff and leaders within our industry.

Karyn Martin, Interprise Design – LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT CHAIR
I am thankful that my parents, Interprise staff, TREC personnel, and my extended family have remained healthy and safe during this extraordinary year. My involvement in The Real Estate Council has allowed me to participate in meaningful community work within our city and beyond. I will forever be grateful for those opportunities! “As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them.”– John F. Kennedy