There is no doubt that the events of the last few weeks have impacted us all. The recent and ongoing protests – which are taking place as Dallas continues to experience the COVID-19 pandemic – are a watershed moment for our nation and our community in addressing the festering, invisible plague of injustice and confronting racism. As Americans, we value and honor the right to assemble peacefully and express our outrage at the continuing violence and inequality. This level of anxiety, hurt, and anger has long simmered beneath the surface of our society, due to decades of systemic racism, and we must stand on the side of justice.

For three decades, The Real Estate Council (TREC) has worked with partners in Dallas’ underserved communities to promote equality and inclusion by creating education, housing, and job opportunities. While we are proud of our history and the work we’ve done in our community, the tragic events of recent weeks have illuminated how much further we have to go before we achieve our goals for a thriving and equitable Dallas.

TREC’s commitment to building relationships throughout the greater Dallas community continues with our work in the Forest District through the Dallas Catalyst Project (DCP) and Dallas Collaborative for Equitable Development (DCED) initiatives, as well as our other partnerships with organizations throughout the city. Although we continue to work remotely, we are still leveraging TREC Community Fund, TREC Foundation, and the hundreds of TREC member volunteers that donate their time and skills to help transform our city.

With this, TREC not only stands firm in its commitment to continue the work it has been doing for the past decades, but also strives  to listen, understand, and take further actions toward its purpose to create the infrastructure of full opportunities for all of Dallas.

As our first step of action, on June 12, TREC will host a virtual program, “Together we Heal,” for our members and non-profit partners. Richie Butler, Senior Pastor of St. Paul United Methodist Church and Senior Managing Director of Prescott Group, will facilitate a discussion about race that we hope will bring us together, help us listen and learn, commence the process of creating additional strategies and actions, and ultimately heal.

The Real Estate Council organizations remain committed to using our platform and our voice to benefit our city. We thank our members who have donated their time, efforts, and energy to help this cause. TREC can only do this work with your commitment. Help us Build the City

We Imagine by helping us continue to create an environment that is equitable for all.